Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

February 22, 2013

April 28, 2012~Owen's 1st Birthday!

This is me (Paola), the next post I saw of Riley on our Loaderfam.net is in May, so I can't post it at least not until I posted about Owen's first Birthday! Big event that  can't be skipped :)

It sure was a long day.. His birthday happened to land perfectly on a Saturday, yes I do mean perfectly which ends up being more like so not... it was a good day, but just a really busy one. Had tons of things going on that day.. Church activity that couldn't be missed, a friend's 80th birthday celebration that couldn't be missed either, and Owen's Birthday Party, we finally decided to do it in the evening so everything else would fit, and so he would be able to take a nap before his party.

His day started with Birthday Breakfast :)
He is so funny, I think he wanted to eat the candle and all, he wasn't sure why Abuelita kept trying to blow it on his face :p.

Yum Yum!
And we were off for the day!

We had a great time at the Ward BBQ/play day, it was nice, a bit windy but thankfully not cold, wasn't that warm either but enough to get a little sunburn.. lol. We had yummy food, got to watch the kids play games and the adults and kids play soccer & frisbee. Owen had a blast in the grass trying to walk on it and falling, mostly crawling to chase the balls that were around. grass not so flat for little boys. and Yes he can walk! He started walking at 11 months :D so fun!
His mini nap, he was so tired
Then we went to Dorothy's birthday celebration, her birthday is on the 11th of April but one of her friends planned something for her for the 28th of April it was nice, and she looked awesome! we love Dorothy she's an awesome lady, we happened to live by her when we first came with my family to Utah from Texas.
Owen was so tired from the ward activity that he had fallen asleep on the way there, once we got there he woke up. and then he could walk all he wanted. He wanted to run it was funny and I could see him tripping over his little feet cuz he kept going so fast.

And off we went back home, there was a whole lot to do! Riley took a nap, he was so pooped from all the play at the ward activity. When you are not in shape it can really affect you a morning of hard play. Put Owen down for a nap, then it was such a mess! lots to clean up, then put Birthday stuff  up, had to run and get the cake from the store, thankfully my mom got home and took care of the kitchen while I went to the store. I was overwhelmed.. Thankfully people usually show up late and by then things were good, there is only so much one can do and I had to remember that it was perfect for Owen, he would love it no matter what I got or didn't get to do.
Costco Cakes are awesome! So glad I didn't try doing one myself.

It was short and fun, had planned it that way. Didn't want him to get overwhelmed by doing a big thing and it being too long, he is only 1!

It was fun having the kids play some games have some yummy snacks and then time for presents!

The big kids sure liked this one! Owen picked something else after to play and all the big kids were huddled around this one :p

 Thanks everyone for making his day special and all the gifts. He got so many toys!

Loved how he was curious about every toy :)

He kept wanting to play with the toy that was in front of him, to bad we had to put it to the side and open another one :p. He had a good time, he loved seeing family and close friends.

It was a perfect day! it was His 1st Birthday!! :D Can't believe a year ago on that day he made his way into this world and made us parents! :)


April 9, 2012~Loaderfam.net

Geek or Nerd?

Its all found right here

March 30, 2012 ~Loaderfam.net

 Some good jokes!

Sitting here at a pack meeting listening to some great jokes. Here’s a few:

Dude 1: Why did you eat that dollar bill?
Dude 2: It was my lunch money :)

Guy A: Do you have a watermelon patch?
Guy B: Sure, why? Does your watermelon have a leak?

Dude 1: Whatcha’ doin’ dude 2?
Dude 2: Writing a letter to my little brother.
Dude 1: Why are you writing so slow?
Dude 2: Well,  my brother is a slow reader!

Guy A: What’d the doctor say to do for your cold?
Guy B: He said to drink some lemonade after a hot bath.
Guy A: Did you drink your lemonade yet?
Guy B: Not yet, I still haven’t finished with the hot bathwater.

Gotta love them laffy-taffy jokes!

We then got to do a relay race with balloons. You know, run from one side of the room to the other and back, then smash the balloon with your butt? Yeah that one. My bum hurts. :P


March 20, 2012~Loaderfam.net

Greased Lightnin'

Outta my way!!

Well, I’m not so certain this was even a good idea… But here I was, bored with a camera, a car and a cute kid. SO, here you have it. Not much to say, a pic is worth 1,000 words.

Hey I love this song!

(He's staring down the guy who cut him off)


March 15, 2012~Loaderfam.net

 To Vegas and back

Well, we made it. Had to go down to Vegas and pick up Paola’s little brother Diego from his mission. It was a good experience. Interesting to see the way a different mission is run. We got the opportunity to see a “transfer conference”. Apparently at transfer time, the whole mission heads out to the mission office with all their stuff, does a little reporting, the departing missionaries get to bear their testimonies, then the president read off all the changes. It was strange to me. My mission didn’t do that, the President just expected that we get rides to our new areas and be to work by 6pm on P-day. I loved being in that atmosphere with all those missionaries though, singing hymns and such before the meeting started. The Spirit hit me pretty good then. The entire time I was singing (especially “Armies of Helaman”), I kept thinking of Owen and what Paola and I have ahead of us in getting him ready to head out. He’s so tiny. But big things come in small packages. Got a lot to learn and teach.
Also, it was really cool. I met a sister missionary there who was also departing. She’s from P-town (Pomona, CA)! That’s where I baptized Jemima & Jose Castillo!! She KNOWS them and is going to pass along my contact information. Whoa buddy. She was pretty excited to have met the guy who baptized them. She reports that they are doing WONDERFULLY and are super strong. I hope I can get ahold of them soon.
And, here we are back at home base. Owen made it. He’s so tough, but the poor guy had very irregular eating and sleeping patterns over the last 3 days. Just about to go put him to sleep. Hopefully his body regulates again and we can get some sleep tonight too :)
Anyway, going to go help Paola get him down. Peace.

(Adding some pictures to Riley's post )


March 7, 2012~ Loaderfam.net

Well at least they came in this cool box.

Sometimes things just don’t turn out the way they expect. Not sure what Owen thought of the diapers, but the box that they came in is great!


Jan. 4th 2012~ Loaderfam.net

Hello world !

Hey all, this is a post from the new WordPress blog we’ve got going. I’d like to use this instead of Blogger, but it may work better this way instead…. Gonna at least run a test. Owen says Hi. Wish us luck!

its been too long

Found this draft post. Guess I was trying to catch up before too. and put some cute pictures of Owen on his first month :) I'll just post it since it was there.


TOO LONG..?? Yes its been too long and its time to get things rolling again. My awesome hubby got us a page to do the blog, thought it would be nicer and all... but no, I don't know how to post on it and since he got it he has only posted in it. I did really like that, that helped him get involved in our blog but then I never posted anything. I always have to ask him how to log in it! cuz I have tried to post in it but not ofter, then I always give up and don't do anything on it. I loved how I could always change the background here and play with it. The other one, he still has to figure that out and I don't know how to do it. So its boring to me. I do appreciate very much his try and that he wants to post things too :). I'm gonna try and add his posts so that there is a little bit more info in here since the last time I posted.. more than a year ago! and I'll try very hard to catch up with so many pictures and things that I would like to put up. its our family's story in a way and I don't want it to just stop when its still just beginning :). Besides, its nice to blog. I miss it and I don't think I had realized it till now. I like to put up whats on my mind and whats going on with us. Our family can see it and keep updated and its kind of a Family Journal. I do hope to do it for memories so that we can go back and see how we have progressed and grown together :). So I'm back, and I'm gonna try to figure out how our blog looks like and how to change the background and all, cuz it sure looks different than what I remember.. :p